Archives for أغسطس 2019

Trump Hits Lebanon Bank with His Favorite Econo-Political Battering Ram

The fact that the U.S. sanctions countries whenever its president pleases could in itself be considered a hostile act. Even in wartime, these sorts of collective punishments are illegal under the Geneva Conventions.

بواسطة Marwa Osman
Jammal Trust Sanctions Feature

BEIRUT -- Economic sanctions are not only a very important topic in present international relations but have also come to pepper daily news headlines. Sanctions have become an increasingly prevalent measure for disciplining a state’s “unacceptable behavior” by banning trade with said state and disrupting its financial relations for political

Systematic Palestinian Isolation: What Is Missing from the Omar, Tlaib Story

This is the story of Palestinian isolation by Israel that we must not allow to die out, long after the news cycle covering the two Congresswomen’s story move on beyond Omar, Tlaib and Israeli transgressions.

بواسطة Ramzy Baroud
Ilhan Omar Rashida Tlaib Feature photo

Israel's decision to bar two United States Democratic Representatives, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, from entering Israel and visiting Palestine has further exposed the belligerent, racist nature of the Israeli government. But our understanding of the Israeli decision, and the massive controversy and discussion it generated, should not stop

Recent Israeli Attacks “Significantly Weakened” Syria’s Air-Defense Systems

While an attack of this scale on virtually any sovereign nation aside from Syria would likely provoke a major response from the international community, this Israeli attack has barely registered.

بواسطة Robert Inlakesh
Syria US

On the night of June 30 until the early morning of July 1, 2019, Israel carried out its biggest attack against Syria’s air defense since 1982. The attack ultimately killed 16 Syrian civilians near Damascus and injured 12 Syrian military personnel in Homs. This was the extent of the damage revealed at the time but, according to Syrian military

Abby Martin’s Film Gaza Fights For Freedom Humanizes World’s Largest Concentration Camp

Abby Martin’s new documentary film Gaza Fights for Freedom is an excellent movie that is difficult to watch, and disturbing at times, precisely because it presents a true, realistic view of life in Gaza. 

بواسطة Miko Peled
Gaza fights for freedom feature photo

GAZA, OCCUPIED PALESTINE -- In her new documentary film, Gaza Fights for Freedom, journalist Abby Martin places the Gaza Strip under a microscope for the viewers to see. The result is an excellent movie that is difficult to watch, and disturbing at times, precisely because it presents a true, realistic view of life in Gaza. The movie shows how a

US and Israeli Collectors Buy Up What Remains of Yemen’s Ancient Heritage

Saada’s old city, which is among the world’s oldest human-carved landscapes, once consisted entirely of historic, centuries-old multi-story homes. Now, it has been wiped out, after Saudi Arabia declared it a military zone — even the city’s hand-carved wooden doors have been reduced to ashes.

بواسطة Ahmed Abdulkareem
Yemen historic sites feature photo

SANA'A, YEMEN -- Yemen was once described as a living museum, but U.S. made bombs dropped by the Saudi-led Coalition’s jets have not only killed thousands of civilians and led to famine and the spread of disease but also pulverized the country’s rich architectural history and left its inimitable heritage at the mercy of the highest bidder. "I

Breaking The Media Blackout on the Imprisonment of Julian Assange

The same media that has spent years dragging Assange’s name through the mud is now engaging in a blackout on his treatment. If you are waiting for corporate media pundits to defend freedom of the press, you’re going to be disappointed.

بواسطة Mnar Adley
Julian Assange feature photo

  The role of journalism in a democracy is publishing information that holds the powerful to account -- the kind of information that empowers the public to become more engaged citizens in their communities so that we can vote in representatives that work in the interest of “we the people.”  There is perhaps no better example of watchdog